Before we start, I want to mention that unusual and/or unaccountable dog and puppy behavior often has its roots in some sort of pathology. For problems that seem to be unresolvable and "strange," I recommend that you have your dog checked out by a vet. Medical and nutrition problems as well as early trauma do account for a significant percentage of dog and puppy behavior problems. Don't neglect this avenue of research.
Here are the most common puppy behavior problems that most of us, at some point, need to prevent:
- digging
- barking
- aggression
- seaparation anxiety
- submissive urination
- chewing
- housebreaking
The basic protocol for gradually correcting and thus preventing such behavior problems is not complicated:
- You, the owner, must remember and behave as the leader of the pack. Your pets do see themselves as part of your pack.
- Be sure to train your dog or puppy every day for 10 or 15 minutes.
- Always give your dogs praise and occasional treats to reward correct behavior.
- You must never yell or physically abuse your dog in any way.
- If possible, enroll into a basic dog training class.
When training, always apply the following behaviors:
- Never yell or abuse your dog (mentioned above)Be persistent in training--behavior change occurs over time.
- Be consistent in training--never vary the training routine.
- Be gentle but unflinchingly firm.
Helpful Related Links to Preventing Dog and Puppy Behavior Problems:
Canine pancreatitis--Recognizing Pancreatitis in Your Dogs